
澳门赌场在线娱乐 has a long-standing tradition of educating students who become health care professionals in a variety of community settings - large and small, rural and 城市.

The 健康科学 项目 at Wilkes offers you a broad choice of medical and allied 健康的职业.

More than 90% of students who have strong academic and service records, complete the Premedical Core, and receive Letters of Evaluation from the 健康科学委员会, 被职业学校录取了吗.

This form is required to be on 文件 with the 健康科学中心 and Student 成功 in order for one to be considered a 澳门赌场在线娱乐 健康科学 student. Please complete and submit this form to the 健康科学中心 and Student 成功. 请按连结进入表格:


  1. Establish a 文件 in the 健康科学中心 and 学生的成功.
    • Each year update the 健康科学 Declaration Form and submit a class schedule so that we can follow your progress and continue to share information with you.
    • Begin to ask faculty to write evaluations for you to include in your 文件. 问他们 to include information and examples on your character and personality, as well as 你的学业或专业表现.
    • Have evaluations sent to the 健康科学中心 and 学生的成功 to be 包含在你的文件中.
  2. Organize your course schedule to begin progress towards your academic major and prerequisites 对于专业学校.
    • Work with your academic faculty advisor to accomplish this each semester.
  3. 保持较高的学术地位.
    • Reference your professional schools of interest for minimum GPAs and professional 入学考试成绩.
  4. Initiate individual 会议s with the 健康科学中心 and 学生的成功.
    • In order to stay on track and organized during your time at 澳门赌场在线娱乐, it is very important to meet with the Director of 健康科学 and 学生的成功 每学期至少参加一次中心活动.
    • Be prepared with timelines and questions regarding your professional goals.
    • Accelerated program (3+4) interest needs to be addressed at 1st 会议. Student must initiate 会议 by September of freshman year.
  5. Attend bi-annual 会议s held by the 健康科学中心 and 学生的成功.
    • Large group 会议s will be held in the fall and spring of each year for important 公告和时间表审查.
  6. 查查你的澳门赌场在线娱乐邮箱.
    • It is imperative that you check your Wilkes email account on a regular basis.
    • 重要的公告、截止日期、邀请等等. 会被中心送来做什么 健康科学和学生成功通过这个帐户.
  7. 参加Pre-Professional Society会议.
    • Networking is a key component of having a successful career. 这个论坛将有助于 you with professional development and building connections among your peers and professionals.
  8. 完成实习和志愿者活动.
    • Keep a record of your experiences (dates, times, responsibilities).
    • Begin to ask supervisors and coordinators to write evaluations. 有这些信息 sent to the 健康科学中心 and 学生的成功 to be included in your 文件.
  9. 提交年终论文.
    • Annual submission to the 健康科学中心 and 学生的成功. 包括为什么 you want to go into your chosen career and what has provided clarity regarding your 给定年份的决定. 提供帮助你确认的个人经历 这个职业选择.
    • 健康科学 Volunteer Experiences (volunteer form attached to email)

The 健康科学 and 学生的成功 Center has working relationships with many organizations that offer diverse community service opportunities. 这些经历 will not only allow students to get more involved and serve those in need, but will also help improve interpersonal skills and gain experience that will assist in the 为专业学校和未来的职业生涯做准备.

As a 健康科学 student, it is required to complete at least 20 hours of volunteer 每学年的工作量. 学生必须向中心提交《澳门在线赌城娱乐》 健康科学 and 学生的成功 to verify the completion of these required hours.

下载义工表格 (.pdf)

Shadowing is an excellent way to learn more about your chosen field is to shadow a 医疗保健专业人员已经在这个角色上工作了. 卫生专业人员澳门赌场在线娱乐 for shadowing experiences are available through the 健康科学中心 and 学生的成功.

As a 健康科学 student, it is required to complete at least 20 hours of shadowing 每学年. Students much submit the Shadowing Form to the Center for Health Sciences and 学生的成功 to verify the completion of these required hours.. In addition, students must complete a refection paper 每学年 and submit it 去中心审核.

复习阴影指引 (.pdf)

下载影子表格 (.pdf)

The 健康科学 and 学生的成功 Center will maintain a 文件 on your academic achievement and other activities in order to provide details to Wilkes’ 健康科学 Committee when you need a letter of evaluation for professional programs. 这样的信件 are transmitted from the Center to the professional programs and provide important 代表您的评估标准.

作为一名健康科学专业的学生 必须申请 for a 评估信 written by the 健康科学委员会. 这个应用程序 is due to the 健康科学中心 and 学生的成功 by the spring semester 专业学校申请年度. 传统的学生会提交这个 大三春季申请. 3+4学生将在春季提交申请 大二的时候. Please visit the 健康科学中心 and 学生的成功 申请评估信.




(570) 408-4969
